A ampere
A angstrom
A/D analog to digital
AAIC active addressing integrated circuit
AAL ATM adaptation layer
AAL2 ATM adaptation layer 2
ABI application binary interface
ABT Advanced BiCMOS Technology logic
ABTE Advanced BiCMOS Technology/Enhanced logic
ABTH Advanced BiCMOS Technology logic with Bus-Hold
AC Advanced CMOS logic
ac alternating current
ACATS Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (standard)
ACF auto-correlation function
ACK acknowledge
ACM Association for Computing Machinery
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface [spec]
ACT Advanced CMOS logic with TTL-compatible inputs
ADC analog-to-digital converter
ADDSP application-specific digital signal processor
ADM add/drop multiplexers
ADPCM adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
ADSL asynchronous/asymmetrical digital-subscriber loop line
AEA American Electronic Association (Washington, DC)
AEA American Engineering Association
AEEC Airline Electronic Engineering Committee (part of ARINC)
AF audio frequency
AFC audio-frequency control
AFC automatic frequency control
AFE Analog front end
AGC automatic gain control
AHDL analog hardware-description language (software)
Ahr ampere-hour
Ahr ampere hour
AI artificial intelligence
AIN advanced intelligent network (telecommunications)
ALGOL algorithmic language
ALN adaptive-logic network (neural)
ALU arithmetic-logic unit
AM active matrix (liquid-crystal display)
AM amplitude modulation
AMLCD active-matrix liquid-crystal display
AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service (worldwide standard)
AN Access Network
ANSI American National Standards Institute (New York)
AP arithmetic processor
API application-programming interface
APM advanced power management
AQL acceptable quality level
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc (airline consortium)
ARM advanced RISC machine (computer)
ARO after receipt of order
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (US government)
ASCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPI advanced SCSI programming interface
ASR automatic speech recognition
ASSP application-specific signal processor
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
At ampere turn
ATA ATbus-attachment (mobile version of IDE)
ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface (IDE standard)
ATE automatic test equipment
ATG automatic test generation
ATM asynchronous transfer mode (communications)
ATPG automatic test-program/pattern generation
ATV advanced television (high-definition television)
avg average
AVI advanced vehicle identification
AVI Analog VHDL International (standards group)
AWG American wire gauge (standard)
AWG arbitrary-waveform generator
B bel
B-CDMA broadband code division multiple access (communications)
B8ZS bipolar eight zero substitution
BALUN balanced-to-unbalanced
Basic beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code (software)
BAW bulk acoustic wave (HF device)
BBS bulletin board system (software)
BBT bit-block transfer
BC backward compatible (coding)
BCCH broadcast control channel
BCD binary-coded decimal
BDD binary decision diagram
BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
BEI back-scattered electron imaging
BER bit error rate
BERT bit error rate/ratio test
BFSK binary frequency-shift keying
BFSL best-fit straight line (error measurement)
BGA ball-grid array (packaging)
BiCMOS bipolar complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
BIOS basic input/output system (computer)
BIP bit-interleaved parity (communications)
Bit-BLT bit-block line transfer
BITE built-in test equipment
BJT bipolar junction transistor
BLAS basic linear-algebra subprogram (software)
BLIP background-limited infrared photodetector
BLT block transfer
BMC Baseboard Management Controller
BMP bit-mapped (graphics file format)
BMU bit-manipulation unit
BMV Bundesministerium fur Verkehr (German Ministry of Transportation)
BNC baby n connector
BOM Bill of Materials
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol (Internet)
BORSCHT battery-feed, overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid and test
(functions of all-inclusive telecommunications device
BPF band-pass filter
BPSK binary phase-shift keying
BPU boundary-processing unit
BPV bipolar violation
BSC bisynchronous communication
BSDL boundary-scan description language (software)
BSI British Standards Institution
BSS broadcast satellite service (DBS)
BSS basic service set (communications)
BTU British thermal unit
BWA broadband wireless access
C Celsius
CA certificate authority
CAC Connnection address control
CAD computer-aided design
CAE computer-aided engineering
CAGR compound annual growth rate
CAI Common Air Interface (European)
CAM content-addressable memory
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAMAC computer-aided measurement and control
CAP competitive access provider (vs RBOC)
CART classification and regression tree (neural network)
CASCADE Chip Architecture for Smart Cards and (Portable Intelligent) Devices
CASE computer-aided software engineering
CAT computer-aided test
CAT computerized axial tomography (medical diagnostics)
CATV community antenna TV
CB complementary bipolar (IC)
CBEMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
CBGA ceramic ball-grid array (IC)
CBIC complementary bipolar integrated circuit
CBR constant bit rate
CC/VL constant current, voltage limited (power supply)
CCC ceramic chip carrier
CCD charge-coupled device
CCF cross-correlation function
CCFT cold-cathode fluorescent tube
CCGA ceramic column grid array (IC)
CCIR Consultative Committee, International Radio (see ITU)
CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph
CCN Center for Civic Networking (on Internet)
CCPCH Common control physical channel
CCS common channel signaling (telecommunications)
CCTV closed-circuit TV
CCW counterclockwise
CD collision detection
cd candela
cd/ft2 candelas per square foot
cd/m2 candelas per square meter
CDF cumulative distribution function
CDI compact-disk interactive
CDMA code division multiple access (digital communications standard)
CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data (Consortium standard)
CDRAM cache dynamic random-access memory
CEG Consumer Electronics Group (of EIA)
CELP code-excited linear prediction (speech coding)
CEPS color electronic prepress system (DTP)
CERMET ceramic metal (element)
CFAR constant false-alarm rate (radar)
CFB configurable function block
CFC chlorofluorocarbon
CFC current-to-frequency converter
CFI CAD Framework Initiative (standard)
cfm cubic feet/minute
cg centigram
cgs centimeter-gram-second
CHINT charge-injected transistor
CIC CEBus Industry Consortium
CID charge-injection device
CiDSL Consumer-installable DSL
CIE computer-integrated engineering
CIF Common Intermediate Format (ITU video standard)
CIIL Common Instrument/Control Intermediate Interface Language
CIM computer-integrated manufacturing
CISC complex-instruction-set computing
CIX Commercial Internet Exchange (consortium, Falls Church, VA)
CLCC ceramic leadless chip carrier
CLIW Customizable long instruction word
CLP cell-loss priority (network)
cm centimeter
cm3 cubic centimeter
CMA ceramic multilayer actuators
CMIP common management-information protocol
CML current-mode logic (circuit
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CMR common-mode ratio
CMRR common-mode rejection ratio
CMS connection-management system (communications)
CMS customer mobility space (communications)
CMV common-mode voltage
CMVR common-mode voltage ratio
CMY cyan, magenta, yellow (printing colors)
CNC computerized numerically controlled (machine)
CNR Communication Network Riser (card)
CO central office (telecommunications)
COB chip on board
Cobol Common Business Oriented Language (software)
COCB chip-on-chip ball (grid array) (packaging)
codec coder/decoder (two-way communications)
codec coder-decoder
COM Common Object Model (software standard)
COMINT communications intelligence
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture (of OMG)
CoS Class of Service
COSE Common Open Software/Systems Environment (Unix)
COTS commercial off the shelf
CP Customer Premises
CPA Center for Policy Alternatives (on the Internet)
CPE Customer premises equipment
CPGA ceramic pin-grid array (IC)
cpi characters per inch
CPLD complex programmable-logic device
cps characters per second
cps cycles per second
CPU central processing unit
CQFP ceramic quad flatpack (IC)
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRT cathode-ray tube
CSA Canadian Standards Association
csc cosecant
CSM cell-site modem
CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access/collision detection (LAN)
CSO composite second order
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
CTIA Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
CTIA Computing Technologies Industry Association
CTS clear to send
CW clockwise
CW continuous wave
DA distributor/arbitor
D-S direct synthesis
D/a digital-to-analog
DAA data-access arrangement
DAA Direct Access Arrangement
DAB data-acquisition board
DAB digital audio broadcasting
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DAP data-acquisition processor
DAQ data acquisition
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US government)
DAS data-acquisition system
DAV digital audio video
Davic Digital Audio-Visual Council
dB decibel
dBm dB power (acoustics)
dBm decibel referred to 1 milliwatt
DBMS database-management system
DBPSK differential binary phase-shift keying (communications)
DBS direct-broadcast satellite (TV)
dBV decibel volts
dBV decibel referred to 1 volt
dBW decibel referred to 1 watt
dc direct current
dc/dc dc to dc
DCASP digitally controlled analog-signal processing
DCC data communications channel
DCE data-communications equipment
DCE Distributed Computing Environment (OSF)
DCH dedicated channel
DCI display-control interface
DCR digital direct converson receiver
DCS digital communications system
DCT discrete cosine transform
DDC display data channel (VESA)
DDE dynamic data exchange (software)
DDI device-driver interface
DDN NIC Defense Data Network, Network Information Center (Internet)
DDS direct digital synthesis
DDTCP dual tape-carrier package (IC)
DECT Digital European Cordless Telephone/Telecommunications (standard)
DES Data Encryption Standard
DESC Defense Electronic Supply Center (Dayton, OH)
DFM design for manufacturability
DFT design for test
DFT discrete Fourier transform
DIC differential interference contrast (optical inspection)
DIE Die Information Exchange (IC)
DIL dual in-line (IC package)
DIMM dual in-line memory module
DIN Deutsche Industrial Norms (German standards agency)
DINOR dual-voltage NOR
DIP dual in-line package
DKE Deutsche Electrontechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE (Germany)
DLC Digital Loop Carrier
DLL dynamic-link library
DMA direct-memory access
DMD digital micromirror device (display)
DMM digital multimeter
DMOS double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor
DMT discrete multitone (modulation)
DNL differential nonlinearity (ADC performance)
DNS Domain Name System (DNC) (Internet)
DOCSIS Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification
DOD Department of Defense (US government)
DOE Department of Energy (US government)
DOS disk operating system
DPAK small power transistor package (for surface mount)
DPCCH dedicated physical control channel
DPCH dedicated physical channel
DPDCH dedicated physical data channel
dpdt double-pole, double-throw
dpi dots per inch
DPM digital panel meter
DPMS display power-management signaling (VESA standard)
dpst double-pole, single-throw
DQPSK differential quadrature phase-shift keying
DRAM dynamic random-access memory
DRO dielectric-resonator oscillator
DS downstream
DSL digital subscriber loop
DSLAM DSL Access Multiplexing
DSM-CC Digital Storage Media Command and Control (group)
DSO digital storage oscilloscope
DSP digital signal processing
DSR data set ready
DSSS direct-sequence spread spectrum (communication)
DTAB demountable tape-automated bonding (IC)
DTAD digital telephone-answering device
DTE data-terminal equipment
DTI Department of Trade and Industry (British government)
DTL diode transistor logic
DTMF dual tone multifrequency (communications)
DUT device under test
DVI digital video interactive
DVM digital voltmeter
DVP digital video processor
DWDM dense wavelength division multiplexing
DWT discrete waveform transform (video compression)
E-O electro-optical
EAN European Article Number
EAROM electrically alterable read-only memory
EBCDIC extended binary-coded-decimal interchange code
ECC error-correction code
ECL emitter-coupled logic
ECM electronic countermeasure (radar)
ECN epoxy cresol nevolac (semiconductor-case resin)
ECO engineering change order
EDA electronic-design automation
EDAC error detection and correction (circuit)
EDD enhanced disk drive
EDFA Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
EDGE Enhanced Data GSM Environment
EDI electronic data interchange
EDIF Electronic Design Interoperability/Interchange Format (schematic software)
EDM electrical-discharge machining
EDO extended data out (computer architecture)
EDS extended data service
EEPROM electrically erasable PROM
EES Escrow Encryption Standard
EFCI Explicit forward congestion indicator
EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation (communications standard)
EIA Electronic Industries Association (Washington)
EIA Environmental Industries Association
EIAJ Electronics Industries Association of Japan
EIF Electronics Industries Foundation
EISA extended industry-standard architecture (PC bus)
EL electroluminescent (display)
ELF extremely low frequency
ELINT electronic intelligence
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMDP enhanced MDSL data pump
EMF electromagnetic field
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMS expanded-memory specification (PC)
endec encoder-decoder (LAN standard)
ENOB effective number of bits (analog-to-digital conversion)
ENR excess noise ratio
EPD early packet discard
EPLD erasable programmable-logic device
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
EPS extended Postscript (image format)
ER explicit rate
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESDA electronic system design automation
ESDI enhanced small drive/device interface
ESF extended super-frame (communications)
ESL equivalent series inductance
ESNUG E-Mail Synopsys Users Group
ESR equivalent series resistance
ESS environmental stress screening
ESS electronic switching system
ETC enhanced throughput cellular (protocol)
ETDMA extended time-division multiple access (communications)
ETF equalized transfer function
ETS equivalent time sampling (digital storage oscilloscope)
ETS European Telecommunications Standard
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute (of ISO)
EUT equipment under test
eV electron volt
EW electronic warfare
ExCA Exchangeable Card Architecture
ext extension
F Farad
f frequency
f femto
F Fahrenheit
F-H frequency hopping (communications)
F/V frequency-to-voltage (converter)
F/V frequency to voltage
FALU floating-point arithmetic-logic unit
FAQ frequently asked question
FAS frame-alignment signal (communications)
FASIC function- and algorithm-specific integrated circuit
FAST flexible accelerated stress test
FAT file-allocation table (digital disk format)
FC Fibre Channel (communication)
fc foot candle
FCA Fibre Channel Association
FCC Federal Communications Commission (Washington, DC)
FCSI Fibre Channel Systems Initiative
FDDI fibre distributed data interface (communications)
FDMA frequency-division multiple access (communications)
FDX full-duplex (communications)
FEA field-emitter array (display)
FEBE far-end-block error (communications)
FEC flexible etched circuits
FED field-emission/emitter display
FEI Federation of the Electronics Industry (UK)
FET field-effect transistor
FFS Flash File Standard (PCMCIA)
FFT fast Fourier transform
FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum (communications)
FIFO first-in, first-out (memory)
FIR finite impulse response (filter)
FISO fast-in, slow-out (circuit)
FIT failures in time (testing)
FIT fault-isolation test
fL footlambert
flops floating-point operations per second
FM frequency modulation
FMCW frequency-modulated continuous wave (radar)
FMU floating-point multiplier-divider-square-root unit
FO fiber optic
FORTRAN formula translation (software language)
FPCB field-programmable circuit board
FPGA field-programmable gate array
FPIC field-programmable interconnect chip
FPID field-programmable interconnect device
FPLA field-programmable logic array
FPN floating-point number
FPU floating-point unit (circuit)
FQFP fine-pitch quad flat pack
FR full rate (communications)
FRAM ferroelectric random-access memory
FRED fast-recovery epitaxial diode (rectifier)
FRF frequency-response function
FS full scale
FSK frequency-shift keying (communications)
FSM finite state machine
FSS fixed satellite service (DBS)
ft foot/feet
ft-lb foot pound-force
ft/minute feet per minute
ft/sec feet per second
ft3/sec cubic feet/second
FTL Flash Translation Layer (PCMCIA standard)
FTP File Transfer Protocol (Internet)
VC F/V converter
G giga
g grams
g gravity acceleration
GaAs gallium arsenide
GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services (international)
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (international)
Gbit gigabit
Gbyte gigabyte
GCA gain-controlled amplifier
GDI graphics-drive interface
GFC generic flow control (ATM)
GFM graphics file manager
GFSK gaussian frequency-shift keying (communications)
GHz gigahertz
GIF graphic image file
GMSK gaussian-filtered minimum-shift keying
GOPS giga-operations per second
GPC Graphics Performance Characterization (Committee)
GPIB general-purpose interface bus
GPL graphical programming language
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System/Satellite
GQFP guard-ring quad flatpack
GSM Groupe Speciale Mobile/Global System for Mobile
GTL Gunning transceiver logic
GUI graphical user interface
H henry
HCPLD high-capacity programmable-logic device
HD high-definition (TV)
HDD hard-disk drive
HDL hardware-description language
HDLC hardware-description language C
HDLC High Level Data Link Control (ISO standard)
HDS hardware-design system
HDSL high-bit-rate digital-subscriber line
HDTMOS high-density-technique metal-oxide semiconductor
HDTV high-definition television
HDX half duplex (communications)
HEC head-error control
HEMT high electron-mobility transistor
HiperLAN high-performance local-area network (communications)
HIPOT high potential (testing)
HIPPI high-performance parallel interface
HLL high-level language (software)
HLR home-location register (personal communications computer)
HLUT half look-up table
hp horsepower
HPC hand-held PC
HR half-rate (communications)
HSL hue, saturation, luminescence (color graphics)
HSM hierarchical storage management
HSOP high-power small-outline package
HSTP High Speed Transport Protocol
HTML Hypertext Markup Language (WWW-Internet)
HTRB high-temperature reverse bias (burn-in testing)
HTS high-temperature superconductor
HTTL high-power transistor-to-transistor logic
HV high voltage
Hz hertz
I/O input/output
I2L integrated injection logic
IA instrument amplifier
IAB Internet Activities Board
IAC interapplication communication (protocol)
IC integrated circuit
ICE in-circuit emulator
ICR in-circuit reconfiguration
ID identification
ID inside diameter
IDAPI integrated database application programming interface
IDC insulation displacement connector
IDC insulation displacement contact
IDE intelligent drive electronics (disk)
IDE integrated device electronics
IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm
IDFT inverse discrete Fourier transform
IDL interconnect description language
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission (Geneva)
IEE Institution of Electric Engineers (UK)
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IES Institute of Environmental Sciences (Mount Prospect, IL)
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF intermediate frequency
IFAC International Federation of Automation Control
IFFT inverse fast Fourier transform
IGBT insulated/isolated-gate bipolar transistor
IISP Information Infrastructure Standards Panel (of ANSI)
IMD intermodulation distortion
IMTS Improved Mobile Telephone Service
in. inch
inch inch
in.3 cubic inch
INL integral non-linearity (ADC performance)
INMARSA International Maritime Satellite
(mobile communications consortium)
INNS International Neural Network Society (Berkeley, CA)
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite
(mobile communications consortium)
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Institute for (Interconnecting and) Packaging (Electronic) Circuits
(Lincolnwood, IL)
IPMC industrial process measurement and control
ips inch per second
IR insulation resistance
IR infrared
IRD integrated receiver-decoder (for DBS)
IrDA Infrared Data Association
IRF impulse response function
IRQ interrupt request (software)
IS Industry Standard of Architecture (PC bus)
IS interconnect synthesis
ISA industry standard architecture
ISA Instrument Society of America
ISDB integrated services digital broadcasting
ISDN integrated services digital network (communications)
ISHM International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics
ISM industrial, scientific, and medical (applications/bands)
ISO International Standards Organization
ISP in-system programmability
IVDS interactive video data service
IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System
IVMS In-Vehicle Multiplexing System (standard)
J joule
JDC Japanese digital cellular (system)
JDS Japanese Digital Standard (telecommunications)
JEDEC Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council
JEIDA Japan Electronics Industry Development Association
JESSI Joint European Semiconductor Silicon Initiative
JFET junction field-effect transistor
JISC Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
JIT just-in-time (manufacturing, staffing, etc)
JMOS junction metal-oxide semiconductor
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group (video standard)
JTACS Japanese Total Access Communications System
JTAG Joint Test Action Group
JTEC Japanese Technology Evaluation Center
JTFA joint time-frequency analysis (DSP)
K Kelvin
k kilo
K k[uom] kilohm
kbit kilobit
kbps kilobits per second
kbyte kilobytes
kg kilogram
KGD known-good die (semiconductor)
kHz kilohertz
km kilometer
km/hour kilometers per hour
KSIA Korean Semiconductor Industry Association
KSR keyboard send, receive
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovoltampere
kW kilowatt
kWhr kilowatthour
L lambert
LAB logic array block
LAN local-area network
LAP large-area processing (reference multichip module IC)
laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LC inductance-capacitance
LC liquid crystal (display)
LCC leadless chip carrier
LCD liquid crystal display
LCI line-conducted interference (telecommunications)
LCPGA low-cost pin-grid array
LCR inductance-capacitance-resistance
LCR inductance-capacitance-resistance (meter)
LDMOS lateral double-diffused MOS
LED light-emitting diode
LEO low-earth-orbit
LES LAN emulation services (communications)
LF low frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
LGA land grid array (IC)
LIF low insertion force (socket)
LIFO last-in, first-out
LIGBT lateral insulated-gate bipolar transistor
LIM Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (EMS spec committee)
LIMS laboratory information management system
LIT logic integrity test
LLC Limited Liability Corporation
LLL Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Livermore, CA)
lm lumen
lm/ft2 lumen per square foot
lm/m2 lumen per square meter
lm/W lumen per watt
ln logarithm, natural
LNA low noise amplifier
LND low noise band
LO local oscillator
LOF loss-of-frame (communications error)
log logarithm
LPAC London Parallel Applications Centre (UK)
LPF low-pass filter
lpi lines per inch
lpm lines per minute
LPM Library of Parameterized Modules/Macros (standard)
lps lines per second
LRM language reference manual
LSB least significant bit
LSI large scale integration
LSR least-squares regression (curve-fit)
LSSD level-sensitive scan design (testing)
LSTTL low-power Schottky transistor-to-transistor logic
LUT look-up table
LVDS low voltage differential signal
LVDT linear-velocity displacement transformer (transducer)
LVTTL low-voltage transistor-transistor logic
M mega
m meter
Msamples/sec megasamples per second
M-Quad metal (body) quad (flat-pack)
m/sec meter per second
M[uom] megohm
m3 cubic meter
m3/sec cubic meter per second
MAC multiply-accumulate (computer operations)
MAC media access control (communications protocol)
MAN metropolitan area network (communications)
MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol
MAP modular arithmetic coprocessor
MAPI messaging application programming interface
maser Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
MATE Modular Automatic Test Equipment (standard)
Mbit megabits
Mbps megabits per second
Mbyte megabytes
MCA Micro-Channel Architecture (IBM)
MCC Microelectronics and Computer Technology Center (Austin, TX)
MCM multichip-module (IC design)
MCT MOS-controlled thyristor
MCU microcontroller unit
MD minidisk
MDSP microwave digital signal processor
MESC Molecular Equipment Subcommittee for Communications (of SEMI)
MESFET metal-epitaxial semiconductor field-effect transistor
MFM modified frequency modulation
MFP mini-flat pack (Japanese SOIC packaging)
MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
MHDL Mimic hardware description language (microwave)
MHz megahertz
MIB management information base
MIDI musical instrument digital interface (multimedia)
MII media independent interface
MIM metal-insulator-metal (diode)
MIMD multiple-instruction, multiple-data (path-DSP)
MIME Multipurpose/Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
Mimic microwave-millimeter wave integrated circuit
MIP mixed integer program
MIPS million instructions per second
MIS management information system
MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry (Japan)
MMDS multichannel multipoint distribution service
MMI man-machine interface
MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMS modular measurement system
MMU memory-management unit (microprocessor)
MNOS metal-nitride oxide semiconductor
MO magneto optical disk storage
MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor decompression (LED)
modem modulator-demodulator (telecommunications)
MOPS million operations per second
MOS metal-oxide semiconductor
MOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
MOSIGT metal-oxide semiconductor insulated-gate transistor
MOTS military off-the-shelf (procurement)
MOV metal-oxide varistor
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group (standard)
MPFM motion picture file manager
MPLS multi-protocol label switching
MPP massively parallel processor
MPU microprocessor unit
MQFP metric quad flat-pack (packaging)
MR magnetoresistive (disk head)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MSA metropolitan statistical area (cellular communications)
MSB most significant bit
MSDSL Multirate Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
MSDU media-access control service data unit (communications)
MSI medium-scale integration
MSK minimum shift keying (communications)
MSM mobile station modem
MSS mobile satellite system
MTBF mean time between failures
MTD moving-target detection (radar)
MTD memory technology driver
MTFT multilayer thick-film technology
MTI moving-target indicator (radar)
MTP-2 Message Transfer Parts
MTTF mean time to failure
MTTR mean time to repair
mux multiplexer
MVP multimedia video processor
MW megawatt
MXI Multiplatform extension for Instrumentation (bus standard)
N-AMPS narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service
NAB National Association of Broadcasters (Washington, DC)
NACC North American Calibration Cooperative (US-Canada)
NACME National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering
NADTP National Association of Desktop Publishers (Topfield, MI)
NATA North American Telephone Association
NAV network allocation vector (communications)
NC numerical control (machine)
NCD nonlinear control design
NCE Nomadic Computing Environment (portable PC standard)
NCMS National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (Ann Arbor, MI)
NCO numerically controlled oscillator
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications
(University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL)
NDR negative differential resistance (transistor)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMP nuclear electromagnetic pulse
NEP noise equivalent power
NFS Network File System (Unix standard)
NFS network file systems
NIC network interface card
NII National Information Infrastructure
NIM network-interface module (standard)
NIM National Instrumentation Module (standard)
NiMH nickel-metal-hydride (battery)
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (Washington, DC)
NMOS N-channel metal-oxide semiconductor
NMRR normal-mode rejection ratio
NNI network-network interface (standard)
NNI network node interface
NOS network operating system
NOSC Naval Ocean Surveillance Center
NRE nonrecurring engineering
NRF nonvolatile RAM file-manager
nrt-VBR non-real-time variable bit rate
NRZ nonreturn to zero
NSB National Science Board
NSF National Science Foundation
NTC negative temperature coefficient
NTDS National TV Design Standards
NTSC National TV Systems Committee (standard)
NTTC National Transportable Telecommunications Capability (COMSAT)
NTV nonlinear thickness variation (IC wafer)
NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
NVRAM nonvolatile random-access memory
OAM operations, administration, and maintenance
OAM&P operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning
OC optical carrier
OCR optical character reader/recognition
OCXO oven controller crystal oscillator
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (communications)
OIDA Optoelectronics Industry Development Association
OLE object linking and embedding (Microsoft software standard)
OMF Open Model Forum (of EDA)
OMG Object Management Group (software standard
OMI Open Microprocessor Initiative (European)
ONU Optical Network Units
OO object oriented
OOF out-of-frame (communications error)
OOP object-oriented programming
OOT object-oriented technology (software)
OPC Open GL Performance Characterization (Committee)
OQPSK offset-quadrature phase-shift keying (communications)
ORB object request broker (CORBA)
OS operating system (computer)
OSA Optical Society of America
OSF Open Software Foundation
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (communications)
OSR oversampling ratio (ADC)
OSRA Office Systems Research Association (Springfield, MI)
OTA Office of Technological Assessment (of US Congress)
OTDR optical time-domain reflectometer
OTS off-the-shelf
OVI Open Verilog International (organization)
OVP over-voltage protection (power supply)
OVSF orthogonal variable spreading factor
p-p peak-to-peak
P/I packaging and interconnecting
P4 photolithographic pattern plated probe
Pa Pascal
pA picoampere
PA-RISC Precision Architecture - Reduced Instruction Set
PA/R peak-to-average ratio
PABX private access/area branch exchange
PAC pad array carrier
PAD packet assembler/disassembler
PAD programmable address decoder
PAD bus processor address data bus
PAL phase-alternation line; French TV spec
PALC plasma-addressed liquid crystal (display)
PAM pulse-amplitude modulation
PARD periodic and random deviation
PBA printed board assembly
PBGA plastic ball-grid array
PBT chemical designation like PBC, etc
PBX private branch exchange
PC personal computer
pC picocoulomb
pc board (PCB) printed-circuit board
PC-QFP printed-circuit-based quad flat pack
PCC Personal Communication Computer (European)
PCF point coordination function
PDH Personal Digital Communications
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect [bus]
PCI SIG PCI Special Interest Group
PCIA Personal Communications Industry Association
PCL printer control language
PCM pulse-code modulation
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCN personal communications network
PCOM private communications
PCR plastic chip carrier
PCS plastic clad silica
PCS personal communications service/system
PCU peripheral control unit
PD pulsed doppler (radar)
PDA personal digital assistant (portable computing)
PdAg palladium silver
PDC personal digital cellular (telecommunications system)
PDEF physical design exchange format
PDH plesiochronous-digital hierarchy (communications network)
PDI perspective dark-field imaging (semiconductor wafer inspection)
PDIAL public-access dial-up (Internet provider)
PDIF P-CAD data interchange format
PDIP plastic dual-in-line package
PDM product data management
PDP plasma display panel
PDT prototype debug tool (Tektronix)
PDU protocol data unit
PEBB power electronics building block
PECC partially error-controlled connections
PECL positive/pseudo emitter-coupled logic
PECVD plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
PEEL Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic
PEM privacy enhanced mail (Internet)
PEP Programmable Electronics Performance (Corp standard)
pF picofarad
PF power factor
PFC power-factor correction (power supply)
PFM pulse frequency modulation (battery charging)
PGA pin-grid array
PGA programmable gain amplifier
PGD "pretty good die" (IC production)
PGP "pretty good privacy" (Internet encryption algorithm)
PHEMT pseudomorphic high electronic mobility technology (FET process)
PHP Personal Handyphone (Japanese standard)
PHP power hybrid package
PHY physical layer
PIC parallel intereference cancellation
PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
PID proportional-integral differential control loops
PIN p-n junction with isolation region
PIND particle impact noise detection
PIP procedural interface protocol
PIV peak inverse voltage
pixel picture element
pJ picojoule
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PLA Programmable Logic Array; Signetics trademark
PLACE PEEL Architectural Compiler/Editor
PLCC plastic leaded chip carrier
PLCP physical layer convergence procedure
PLD programmable logic device
PLDC polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (display)
PLI Programming Language Interface (OVI)
PLL phase-locked loop
PLS programmable logic sequencer
PM phase modulation
PMA post-metallization anneal
PMC PCI Mezzanine Card (standard)
PMCM plastic multichip module
PMD physical media dependent
PMOS p-type metal-oxide semiconductor
PMP post-metal programming
PMT photo-multiplier tube
PMU parametric measurement unit
PN processor node
PNN probabilistic neural network
pnp p-type n-type p-type
PnP Plug and Play (ISA standard)
POP point of presence (Internet)
POP Post Office Protocol (Internet)
PoS packet-over-SONET
POSIX portable operating system interface - Unix
POST power-on self tests
POT plain-old telephony
POTS plain-old telephone service (system?)
PPGA plastic pin grid array
PPI plan position indicator (radar)
ppm part(s) per million
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet)
pps pulses per second
PPT precision pad technology
PQFP plastic quad flat pack (IC)
PRACH physical random access channel
PRBA Portable Rechargeable Battery Association
PRBS pseudorandom bit stream
PREP PowerPC reference platform
PRF pulse repetition frequency (radar)
PRML partial-response maximum-likelihood (disk storage)
PRN pseudo-random noise
PRO Precision RISC Organization
PRS pattern recognition system
PSD power spectral density
psec picosecond
PSG phospho-silicate glass
psi pound(s) per square inch
psia pound(s) per square inch absolute
psig pound(s) per square inch gauge
PSK phase-shift keying
PSOP power small outline package
PSP programmable signal processor
PSPDN packet switched public data network
PSRAM pseudo-static RAM
PSRR power-supply rejection ratio
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PtAu platinum gold
PTC positive temperature coefficient
PTE path terminating equipment
PTF polymer-thick-film
PTO Patent and Trademark Office (US Government)
pV picovolt
PVC polyvinyl-chloride
PVD peak voltage detect/physical vapor deposition
pW picowatt
PWM pulse-width modulation
Q quality factor (of a resonant circuit)
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QAS Quick Arbitrate and Select
QC quality control
QCIF quarter-common intermediate format
QE quantum efficiency (photomultiplier)
QFB quad flat butt-leaded package
QFP quad flat pack
QIC quarter-inch cartridge (storage)
QML qualified manufacturers list
QoS quality of service (communications)
QPL qualified part/product list (procurement)
QPL Qualified Products List
QPM quasi-phase-matched
QPSK quadrature phase-shift keying (communications)
QSM queued serial module
QSOP quarter-size outline package
QTAG Quality Test Action Group (communications)
QTCP quad tape carrier package
QUIP quad in-line package
RACH random access channel
rad radian
RADSL rate adaptive digital subscriber line
RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks
RAM random access memory
RAMDAC random access memory, digital-to-analog converter (combination)
RAS row address strobe
RAS remote access service (network)
RASSP Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors (ARPA project)
RAVE real-time audio/visual environment
RBOC regional Bell operating company
RC resistance-capacitance
RC-4 Rivest's Cipher
RCC rectangular chip carrier
RCM release complete message
RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System
READ relative element address designate
RED random early discard
REL release message
RF radio frequency
RFC request for comment (communications)
RFC radio frequency choke
RFI radio-frequency interference
RFIC radio frequency integrated circuit
RFID radio frequency identification
RFP request for proposal
RGB red, green, blue
RHET resonant-tunneling hot-electron transistor
RHP reconfigurable hardware products
RIE reactive ion etching
RIO random early discard In/Out of Profile
RIP raster image processor (DTP)
RISC reduced-instruction-set computer
RISR remote interrupt service routine
RIU ring interface unit
RLC resistance-inductance-capacitance
RLE run-length encoding (data compression)
RLL run length limited (eg: 2,7 RLL)
RLN remote LAN node
RLQ rate-limiting queues
RM resource management
RMI resource-manager interface
RMII Reduced Media Independent Interface
RMON Remote Network Monitoring
rms root-mean-square
RMW read-modify-write (software)
RO reverse osmosis
ROM read-only memory
ROTS rugged off-the-shelf
ROW rest of the world
RP rapid prototyping
RP reinforced plastic
RPC remote procedural call (network)
RPC remote-procedure calls
rpm revolutions per minute
rps revolutions per second
RR round-robin
RS recommended standard
RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adelman (encryption)
RSSI received signal strength indicator
rt-VBR real-time variable bit rate
RTD resistance temperature detector
RTEID Real-Time Executive Interface Definition (Motorola)
RTI return from interrupt
RTL resistor transfer logic
RTL register transfer level/language
RTM resin transfer molding
RTO return to output
RTOS real-time operating system
RTP rapid thermal processing
RTS request-to-send
RTV room-temperature-vulcanized (silicone)
RTV real-time video
RW read/write
SAM switched access with multiplexer
S-DAB satellite digital audio broadcasting
S/DMS SONET/digital multiplex switch
S/H sample and hold
SAM serial access memory
sample/sec samples per second
SAN Storage Area Network
SAPI service access point identifier
SAR synthetic aperture radar
SAR segmentation and reassembly (communications)
SAS silicon asymmetrical switch
SASI Shugart Associates System Interface
SAW surface acoustic wave
SBC single-board computer
SBDIP side-brazed dual in-line package
SBIC shared bus interface controller
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research
SBM shared buffer memory (Alcatel)
SBS silicon bilateral switch
SC shared cored (Ericsson)
SC/H subcarrier-to-horizontal (phase shift) phase of color burst
extended to the leading edge of the horizontal sync pulse
SCAM SCSI configured automatically (ANSI protocol)
SCC serial communications controller
SCC square chip carrier
SCC stackable ceramic carrier
SCCM standard cubic centimeters/per minute
SCE storage-control element
SCFL source-coupled FET logic
SCH synchronization channel
SCI scalable coherent interface
SCI-PHY Saturn-Compliant Interface - Physical (device protocol)
SCIM single-chip integration module
SCM single-chip module
SCOT sealed chips on tape
SCPI Standards Committee for Programmable instruments
SCR silicon-controlled rectifier
SCS silicon-controlled switch
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SCTE Society of Cable TV Engineers
SCXI signal conditioning extension for instrumentation
SDBGA super dissipation ball grid array
SDCM serial data converter modules
SDF standard delay format
SDF Standard Delay File (OVI)
SDH synchronous digital hierarchy
SDIP shrink dual-in-line package
SDK system development kit
SDLC software description language C
SDLC synchronous data-link control
SDLVA successive-detection log video amplifier (microwave)
SDOF single degree-of-freedom
SDRAM synchronous DRAM
SDSC Standards and Data Services Committee
SE Switch Element
SEAL simple and efficient AAL
sec secant
sec second
SECAM Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire (European video standard)
SECS Semiconductor Equipment and Material International's Equipment
Communications Standard
SEI secondary electron imaging (surface inspection)
SEL surface-emitting lasers
SELV safety extra-low voltage
SEM-E standard electronic module e-type (avionics)
SEMI Semiconductor Equipment and Material International
(Association, Mountain View, CA)
SEP signaling endpoint
SERDES serializer/deserializer
SEU single-event upset
SFBI shared frame-buffer interface
SFC Shannon-Farro coding (data compression)
SFDR spurious free dynamic range
SFFPCI Small Form-Factor Personal Computer Interface(standard)
SFP short-fault protection
SFROM smart flash ROM
SGA solder grid array
SGMP simple gateway monitoring protocol
SHA sample-and-hold amplifier (ADC)
SHF super high frequency
SHG second harmonic generation
SHT suppressed high-level differential transfer (circuit)
Si silicon
SIA Semiconductor Industry Association (Washington DC
SIC Standard Industrial Classification (numbering code)
SiC silicon carbide
SICL standard instrument control library
SID Society for Information Display (PCI)
SIG Special Interest Group
SIM single in-line module
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIMD single-instruction, multiple-data (array)
SIMM single in-line memory module
SiN silicon nitride
sin sine
SINAD signal-to-noise-and-distortion (ratio)
SIO serial I/O
SiO silicon oxide
SIP Session Initialization Protocol
SIP single in-line package
SIP SMDS interface protocol
SIR signal-to-interference ratio
SIR surface insulation resistance
SIU system interface unit
SIU system integration unit
SL stripline
SLAM scanning laser acoustic microscope
SLC single-layer ceramic
SLC surface laminar circuit
SLD source level debugger
SLIC subscriber-line interface circuit (communications)
Slicc slightly larger than IC carrier (packaging)
SLIP Serial-Line Internet Protocol
SLT solid logic technology
SMA Semiconductor Manufacturers Association (UK)
SMA surface-mounted assembly
SMART stress-marginality and accelerated-reliability testing
SMART Standard Module Avionics Repair and Test(software)
SMC S-Bus mezzanine card
SMC surface-mount components
SMD Storage Module Drive
SMD surface-mount device
SMDS switched multimegabit data services (Europe)
SME small-to-medium enterprises
SMEMA Surface Mount Equipment Manufacturers Association
SMI small- and medium-sized industries
SMI (power) system management interrupts
SMII Serial Media Independent Interface
SMM (power) system management mode
SMOBC solder mask over bare copper
SMP symmetric multiprocessing
SMPGA surface-mount pin grid array
SMPS switch-mode power supply
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and TV Engineers
SMRT surface-mount and reflow technology
SMT surface-mount technology
SMTA Surface-Mount Technology Association
SMU source-measure unit
SMUG Spokane Microcomputer Users Group
SMX-6000 a Fujitsu switch model
SNA systems network architecture (IBM)
SNet SONET Network (Northern Telecom)
SNMP simple network management protocol
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SO small outline
SOB small outline butt-leaded package
SOG spin-on glass
SOHO small office, home office
SOI silicon-on-insulator (IC)
SOIC small-outline IC
SOJ SOIC with J-leads
SOLA short, open, load and air-capacitor
SONET synchronous optical network
SOP small outline power (package)
SORF small outline radio frequency (package)
SOS silicon on sapphire
SOSCARD Secure Operating System Card
SOT small-outline transistor
SOVA soft-output Viterbi algorithms
SP span processor
SP switch port (Ericsson)
SPARC scalable processor architecture
Sparc scalable processor architecture
SPDIP shrink plastic dual in-line package
spdt single-pole, double-throw
SPE synchronous payload envelope
SPI serial peripheral interface
SPI synchronous pixel interface
Spice Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit
SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering
SPL sound pressure level
SPM scanning probe microscope
SPS samples per second
spst single-pole, single-throw
SQC statistical quality control
SQE signal-quality error
SQFP shrink quad flat pack
SQL search and query language
SQPSK staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (communications)
SR set/reset (flip-flop)
SRAM static RAM
SRC Semiconductor Research Corporation (industry funded)
SRCS SilkRoad Refractive Synchronization Communication
SRL shift register latch
SS spread spectrum (communications)
SS7 Signalling System 7
SSA serial storage architecture
SSB single sideband
SSD solid-state disk
SSET switching system exchange termination
SSH simultaneous sample and hold (data acquisition)
SSI small-scale integration
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSMM solid-state mass memory
SSOP shrink small outline package
SSR solid-state relay
SST Science, Space, and Technology (US House of Representatives committee)
SST solid state technology
SST simultaneous self-test (logic mode)
SST supersonic transport (aircraft)
STB set-top box
STL Schottky transistor logic
STM scanning tunneling microscope
STM synchronous transfer mode
STM synchronous transport module
STN The Scientific and Technical Information Network (Internet)
STRIFE stress and life (testing)
STS synchronous transport signal
STT set-top terminal
STTL Schottky transistor-transistor logic (TTL)
SUI speech user interface (multimedia)
SUS silicon unilateral switch
SVD simultaneous voice and data
SVGA super video graphics adapter
SVHS super VHS (video format)
SVP surge voltage protector
SWL sound (power) level
SWR standing-wave ratio
SYSOP system operator (Internet)
T-BGA tape ball grid array
T/H track and hold
T/R transmit and receive
TAB tape automated bonding
TAC Technical Activity Committee
TACS Total Access Communication System (British cellular)
tan tangent
TAP test access part
TAPI telephone application program interface
TAT transatlantic telephone (cable)
TAV transverse acoustic-wave voltage
Tbit terabit
Tbit/sec terabits per second
TC temperature coefficient
TCAP transaction capabilities application part
TCC temperature coefficient of capacitance
TCE temperature coefficient of expansion
TCE Technical Computing Environment
TCIF Telecommunications Industry Forum
TCM thermal conduction module
TCM trellis-coded modulation
TCO total cost of ownership
TCP tape carrier package
TCP/IP transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
TCR tape carrier ring
TCR temperature coefficient of resistance
TCXO temperature compensated crystal oscillators
TDD time-division duplex
TDDS time-division duplex system (communications)
TDM time-division multiplex (communications)
TDMA time-division multiple access (communications)
TDR time domain reflectometer
TE transverse electric
TEC thermal electrical cooler
TEGFET 2-D electron-gas field effect transistor
TEM transverse electromagnetic
TF transfer function
TFI transport format indicator
TFT thin-film transistor
TFT-LCD thin-film transistor liquid crystal display
THB temperature humidity bias
THD total harmonic distortion
THHN Thermoplastic high heat-resistant coated nylon
3D three-dimensional
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association (Washington)
TIA time-interval analyzer
TIC tape-automated bond in cap
TIFF tagged image format file (computer graphics)
TIGA Texas Instruments' Graphics Architecture
TiN titanium nitride
TIR total indicated reading
TISSS Tester Independent Software Support System (DOD program)
TL1 Transaction Language 1
TLB translation look-aside buffer
TLC thin-layer chromatography
TLIM transmission-line model
TLM transmission line matrix
TLM triple-layer metal
TM traffic management
TMC transfer mode converter/switch port termination
TMN Traffic Management Network
TMRC Technology Marketing and Research Council
TMSL test and measurement systems language
Tn digital carrier, type n
TN twister nematic (LC display)
TO transistor outline package
TOP thin outline package
TPC Transaction Processing Council (standard)
TPC transmit power control
tpi tracks per inch
TPQFP test-pad quad flat pack
TPU time processor unit
TQC total quality control
TQFP tape quad flat pack
TQFP thin quad flatpack
TQM total quality management
Tr transition time
TRAM transputer random access memory (module)
triac triac bidirectional rectifier (two SCRs used in antiparallel)
TRP Technology-Reinvestment Program
TSB Telecommunications Standardization Bureau
TSOP thin small outline package
TSP temperature-sensitive parameter
TSSOP thin scaled small outline package
TSSOP thin shrink small-outline package
TST time-space-time
TTC Telecommunications Technology Committee (Japan)
TTC time-to-collection (data acquisition)
TTL transistor-transistor logic
TTY teletypewriter
TUV Technische Uberwachungs-Verein (German test lab)
TVI TV interface
TVRO television receive-only (DBS)
TVS transient voltage suppressor
2D two-dimensional
TXCO temperature compensated oscillator
uA microampere
UART universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (communications)
UBR unspecified bit rate
UBS uninterruptible battery system
uC microcomputer
uC microcontroller
UCOM Users' Committee of Foreign Semiconductors
UDI Universal Digital Interface
UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet)
UDPs user-defined primitives
uF microfarad
ug microgram
uH microhenry
UHF ultrahigh frequency
UHV ultrahigh vacuum
UIL User Interface Language (Open Software Foundation)
UJT unijunction transistor
UL Underwriters' Laboratory
ULSI ultra large-scale integration
um micron
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UN United Nations
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNI User Network Interface (standard)
uP microprocessor
UPnP Universal Plug and Play (www.upnp.org)
UPC universal product code
UPS uninterruptible power source
UPSR unifine pitch
US Upstream
USART transmitter
USAT ultrasmall aperture terminal
USDC US Display Consortium
USE/DA Users Society for Electronic Design Automation
usec microsecond
USTA US Telephone Association
UTC Universal Coordinated Time
UTOPIA Universal Test and Operations Physical Interface for Asynchronous Transfer Mode
UTQFP ultrathin quad flat pack
UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
UTSOP ultrathin small-outline package
UUT unit under test
uV microvolt
UV ultraviolet
UV-PROM ultraviolet-erasable PROM
UVLO undervoltage lockout (thresholds)
uW microwatt
V volt
V ac volts alternating current
V dc volts direct current
V-MOS v-groove MOS
V/F voltage to frequency
VA volt-ampere
VAFC VESA Advanced Feature Connection
VAR value-added reseller
VAR volt-ampere, reactive
VB visual Basic (multimedia software)
VBI vertical blanking interval (TV)
VBR variable bit rate (networking) (nrt - non-real-time; rt - real-time)
VBX Visual Basic extension
VC virtual channel
VCA voltage-controlled amplifier
VCD variable center distance
VCI virtual channel indicator/identifier (network)
VCIF VESA Display Information Format
VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
VCPU video compression processor unit
VCR videocassette recorder
VCSEL vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
VCXO voltage-controlled crystal oscillator
VDE visual development environment
VDE video-decompression engine
VDSL very high-rate digital subscriber line (40 Mbps downstream)
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
VF vacuum fluorescent (display)
VF voice frequency (300 to 3400 Hz)
VFC voltage-to-frequency converter
VFD vacuum fluorescent display
VFEA VMEbus Futurebus + Extended Architecture
VFO variable-frequency oscillator
VGA video graphics array
VGA video graphic accelerator (circuit)
VGA Video Graphics Adapter
VHADSL very high-bit-rate asymmetric digital subscriber line
VHDL very high density logic
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHDSL very-high-bit rate digital subscriber line
VHF very high-frequency (30 kHz to 300 MHz)
VHSIC very high-speed IC
VIL vertical in-line
VISA virtual instrument software architecture
VISA VXI System Alliance (standard)
VITA VMEbus International Trade Association
Vital VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries (organization)
VLAN Virtual local area network
VL Bus VESA local bus
VLC/VLD variable length coding, variable length decoding
VLF very low frequency (below 30 kHz)
VLIW very long instruction word (computer architecture)
VLS virtual library system
VLSI very-large-scale integration
VMC VESA Media Channel (bus)
VME virtual machine environment
VMEbus versatile modular E-bus (from former VERSAbus-E)
VMTP Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (communications)
VNA vector network analyzer
VOD video-on-demand
VoIP voice over Internet Protocol
VOST VESA Open Set Top (group)
VOX voice-operated threshold (communications)
VP virtual path
VP video processor
VPAK vertical package
VPCI virtual path connection identifier
VPD vapor phase dissolution
VPE vapor phase epitaxy
VPEC Virginia Power Electronics Center (Blacksburg, VA)
VPI virtual path indicator/identifier (network)
VPM vertical package module
VPP VXI Plug-and-Play (systems alliance)
VPS vapor phase soldering
VQ vector quantization
VQFP very fine pitch quad flat pack
VR virtual reality
VRAM video random-access memory
VRD virtual retina display
VRM voice recognition module
VROOMM Virtual Runtime Object-Oriented Memory Manager
versus versus
vs versus
VSAT very small aperature terminal (satellite transceiver with 30-40cm disk)
VSB VME Subsystem bus
VSELP vector-sum excited linear-predictive (speech coding)
VSIM virtual surface image memory
VSO very small-outline
VSOP very small outline package (Japanese MFP)
VSS VHDL system simulator
VSWR voltage standing-wave ratio (RF and microwave)
VTCO voltage-temperature cutoff (battery charging)
VTVM vacuum tube Voltmeter
VU volume unit (meter)
VXCO voltage-controlled crystal oscillator
VXIbus VMEbus extension for instrumentation
W watt
WAIS wide area information server (Internet)
WAN wide area network
WAP wireless application protocol
WB wire bonded
WDM wavelength division multiplexing
WFQ weighted fair queuing
Whr watthour
WLAN wireless local area network
WLL wireless local loop
WML wireless markup language
WORM write once, read many (optical desk)
WPKI wireless PKI (public key infrastructure)
wpm words per minute
WRAM window RAM
WRED weighted random early discard
WRR weighted round robin
WSI wafer scale integration
WTLS wireless transport layer security
WUT wafer under test
WWW World Wide Web of the Internet
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
X-MOS high-speed metal-oxide semiconductor
XA extended architecture (CD-ROM)
XDR external data representation
xDSL Digital Subscriber Line
XGA extended graphics adapter
XIP execute-in-place
XIWT Cross-Industry Working Team (information transmission)
XPG X/Open Portability Guide (standard group)
XRF x-ray fluorescence (spectroscopy)
XTP Express Transfer Protocol (communications)
YAG ytrrium-aluminum garnet
YIG yttrium iron garnet (microwave device material)
YTD year to date
YUV luminance/chrominance
ZCS zero-current switching
ZIF zero insertion force
ZIP zigzag-in-line package
ZnO zinc oxide
ZVS zero-voltage switching